Comprehensive Plan

Why does Kimball need a plan?

From 2003 - 2008, the City of Kimball, witnessed an increase in the number of residential building permits.  That increase has potential to place added demands on the City's roads, sewers, water supply, police and fire services, educational and recreational resources and facilities.  At the same time, population increases can also present opportunities for the City in the areas of economic development and commercial and retail growth.
As development continues, the City will want to assure the public that the growth it allows is orderly, efficient, economical, safe and sustainable.  In order to do this, the City Council decided to prepare a comprehensive plan, which will provide recommended policies to help the City avoid negative impacts and take advantage of the many opportunities of growth and development.
The City of Kimball Comprehensive Plan addresses:
  • Demographic Conditions and Changes
  • Land Use
  • Transportation
  • Community Facilities and Services
  • Economic Development
  • Special Districts
City of Kimball Comprehensive Plan - Part 1 Land Use and Zoning, Principles, Goals, and Policies to Guide Growth and Development
City of Kimball Comprehensive Plan - Part 2 Urban Design Plan to Guide Land Use Organization, Appearance, and Growth and Development Phasing